Compounds for Everyone

Compound, when applied to a human habitat, refers to a cluster of buildings in an enclosure, having a shared or associated purpose, such as the houses of an extended [or chosen] family. Wikipedia Hello, neighbor. The summer season has been off to an exciting start and it’s (finally!) time for two big updates. 1. Our websiteContinue reading “Compounds for Everyone”

Living Apart, Together: How Croatia Does Multifamily Housing

As Americans, we’re used to the idea of flying the coop at 18 and fending for ourselves. But this norm is starting to lose steam as droves of young people move back in with their parents out of economic necessity during the COVID-19 pandemic. What’s more, as the population grows and the need for newContinue reading “Living Apart, Together: How Croatia Does Multifamily Housing”

Multigenerational Living: What’s old is new again

If you’re already a part of a household with more than two generations living together, you may remember your elders’ stories of what it was like back when less square footage and more people was more common. You may have even told a few stories yourself.  These days, more and more Americans are getting familiarContinue reading “Multigenerational Living: What’s old is new again”